荣获第27届意大利IBLA GRAND PRIZE国际音乐大赛“杰出音乐家奖”并受邀在美国纽约卡内基音乐厅举办音乐会。第二届维也纳国际音乐比赛金奖;第三届柏林国际音乐比赛特别金奖;第64届世界杯国际手风琴比赛室内乐组第一名。2013~2019年应邀担任全国及国际各大手风琴赛事评委。
Prizes and Awards
First Prize of the Chamber Music Category in the 64th Coupe Mondiale (International Accordion Competition), China.
Prize Winner in the International Art Competition awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China.
Second Prize of the Artist Category in China Harbin Summer International Accordion Festival.
Second Prize of the Artist Category in the 34th Italy Castelfidardo International Accordion Competition.
Third Prize of the Artist Category in the 62nd New Zealand Coupe Mondiale International Accordion Competition.
Second Prize of the Free Bass Category in the Shanghai International Accordion Competition.
Second Prize of the Youth ensemble Category in the 3rd China Tianjin International Accordion Competition.